How to Repurpose Your Best Content

Quality content serves as the foundation of your marketing plan. After you’ve invested so much time and energy in creating content that’s well-written, engaging, and valuable to your clients – don’t let it fall into the “one and done” category. Let’s use that content as much as possible! In today’s blog, we’re discussing how you can repurpose your content to bring in more traffic and get a better return on your investment.

Turn Presentations into Blogs and Publications

Congratulations on booking that speaking gig! If you’ve been invited to speak, chances are, you’ll also be preparing some sort of speech or presentation. Don’t let that content go stale after the event. Turn it into a blog for your website or even an article for an outside publication. You can revamp the introduction for your target clients and make sure the references are still timely and appropriate. Share the content online and submit it to your favorite business or trade publications. Pro Tip: Don’t forget to promote your speaking gig on your website, newsletter, and social media! If your speech-turned-article is published, you should promote that as well.

Create a Video from Your Written Material

Some people prefer to learn by reading. Others like to watch or listen to their educational content. You can capture all of these audiences by turning your written content into a video. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy, complicated, or even expensive process. A number of business owners record and edit videos right on their smartphones. You’ve already done the research and prepared the written content. Just review your material, practice what you’re going to say, and hit record. You can share the videos on your website, embed them in a blog, post them on social media, or create a YouTube channel. Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to rewrite the content so it’s a little more conversational. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll be on camera.

Consider Writing a White Paper, How-To Guide, or Infographic

Recently, the Hodgkiss Consulting team worked with a law firm that had just secured a massive settlement in their case. Their success involved understanding a very nuanced and rarely referenced area of law. The lead attorney wanted to share their knowledge and experience by publishing a white paper on that area of law. Not only did the content drive traffic to the law firm’s website, but the attorneys involved were also invited to speak and publish more about their experience. This is an example of work product that’s repurposed into a white paper and leveraged for speaking and writing opportunities. Quality content can bring in revenue and opportunities for months – even years – after you initially share it. If you feel like your content could be educational and useful for others, consider creating a white paper, a how-to booklet, or even a detailed infographic. Pro Tip: If you post this content as a Free Download on your website, you can drive traffic and collect the names and emails of potential new clients.

Feature Your Content in a Newsletter

No matter how active your followers are, there’s a good chance that they’re not going to see all of the content that you share and publish. How do you keep your clients and referral sources in the loop? With a newsletter. There are many different types of newsletter platforms out there, each offering different templates, graphics, monitoring, and other features. No matter which newsletter platform you choose, your content should be valuable to your recipients. Think of your newsletter as a monthly recap; you want to share important information and showcase your accomplishments. You should include your blogs, business announcements, links to social media, company videos, tips, and how-tos. Regularly sending out newsletters helps drive traffic to your website while keeping you top-of-mind with clients and referral sources. Pro Tip: Be sure to utilize the newsletter’s segmenting and monitoring functions. You can send newsletters to specific groups and monitor the email’s performance.

Cross Promote as Much as Possible!

Once you’ve created your content, you want to promote it in as many places as possible. You want to catch your clients and referral sources on all the sites and platforms they frequent. So, for example, let’s say you’ve just written a blog. You should publish the blog on your website, feature the blog in your next newsletter, and share the blog on your social media accounts. If you have a presentation, you should promote the event on your website, newsletter, and social media – and consider sharing the speech or presentation as a blog when the event is over. If a magazine publishes your article, be sure to reshare the article on your website and promote the article in your newsletter and social media. Cross-promote whenever and wherever possible! Pro Tip: If you’re sharing content on your social media accounts, tag the event, host, publication, co-author, etc. You’ll likely get more engagement and reach and a larger audience. Also, don’t be afraid to boost social media posts that are already performing well.

Update Your Existing Content

Content that is evergreen (not tied to a specific event or time frame) should regularly be revisited and reposted. Don’t let quality work get buried in the archives! Create a list of your best articles, blogs, and graphics. Routinely incorporate them back into your content marketing plan. If you feel like the content might need a little bit of a refresh, you can swap out the images, change the pull quote, or update the SEO description. Pro Tip: While graphics and social posts can be re-published more frequently, try not to overuse your long-form content. You don’t want your audience to feel like they’re seeing the same content over and over.

The Takeaway: Repurpose, Reuse, Reshare

When you operate a business, resources are at a premium. So when you take time out of your busy schedule to create a quality piece of content for an event, publication, or your website – you want to ensure that content gets in front of as many eyes as possible. When you’re writing content, it’s always a good idea to ask yourself, “Who is this for? How is it valuable?” But from an ROI standpoint, you should also be considering, “How many different ways can I share this?” By continuing to revamp and reshare your content, you’ll be boosting your brand awareness, improving your reputation, and rising through the search engine ranks.

If you need help with your content marketing or have an upcoming copywriting project, please reach out to the Hodgkiss Consulting team. You can email us or book a discovery appointment. We’re always happy to help.


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