
Megan Hodgkiss’ work has appeared on a number of communication platforms, including television, radio, newspaper, magazine, newsletter, websites, on social media, and in academia. She also ghostwrites research papers, presentations, blogs, and articles for third-party publications.

Here is a sample of her more recent pieces, featured in outlets such as Atlanta Lawyer Magazine, The Daily Report, Georgia Bar Journal, The Porch Press, Lifestyles Magazine, TAGGED Magazine, Hometown News Atlanta, The Sunday Paper, Georgia Association for Women Lawyers Newsletter, The Atlanta Bar Association’s Women in the Profession Section Newsletter, and DeKalb County Bar Association’s Newsletter.

Magazine articles

Specialty Writing Projects (scripts, Historical Tours, Scavenger Hunts)

 Academic + Research Papers

Print newsletter articles + Templates


 Ready to get started?

Email: Megan@HodgkissConsulting.com
Call: (678) 664-4634