What Should I Blog About For My Business?

Recently, I’ve gotten a bunch of questions from business owners about their blogs. Specifically, they want to know what they should be blogging about. The short answer is any topics that are timely, relevant, and valuable to their potential clients and referral networks. The highest-performing blogs are usually those that educate readers on important issues. Here are a few more detailed suggestions:

1) Write a Blog on Your Most Common Client Questions. What questions do your new clients frequently ask? Have you been getting the same type of questions from your most recent clients? Turn these questions into a blog topic. By answering their questions, you’re establishing yourself as an authority in that area of business. Also, if these new or potential clients have these common questions, chances are, they’re probably Googling them even before they reach out to your company or firm. When they find your blog online and engage with your content, that’s a great way to connect with a quality lead.

2) Write a Blog on the Practice Area You Want to Be Known For. One of the primary reasons for creating a blog is to establish your authority in your business community and professional network. When you write about a certain area of business or law, your readers begin to connect you with that subject area. So, if there’s a particular niche that you want to be known for, or if there are specific types of cases that you want to work on, then create a blog about it. Make sure you promote your blog within your referral network and publish it on platforms for potential clients. The more content you create on this topic, the more likely your colleagues will associate you with this practice area, and the more likely potential clients will engage with your content online.

3) Write a Blog on Issues that Need Attention. When it comes to new issues or hot topics, sometimes, potential clients just don’t understand why it’s important or how it impacts them. It’s new information for them. So, write a blog that educates them on that subject matter. The blog should explain the background of the issue, the new and timely aspects, as well as who may be affected and why. You can even structure the blog as a problem/solution — identify the problem this new issue raises, and how your business can help solve it. If you’re ahead of the curve and blog about new issues, your colleagues will begin to rely on your expertise, potential clients will contact you for help, and media outlets may even reach out to you as a subject matter expert.

If you have additional questions about your business blog or content calendar, please reach out! Hodgkiss Consulting LLC would be happy to help.


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