Want to be a more effective communicator?

June is Effective Communication Month. It’s the perfect time for us to share some of our favorite writing tips! Did you miss one of our weekly advice posts? No worries. We’ve got you covered. Check out our recap, below:

Tip 1: Find your focus. Make sure you understand who your target audience is and what you’re trying to achieve.

Tip 2: Keep it conversational. Avoid using industry-specific buzzwords, jargon, and acronyms.

Tip 3: Be clear and concise. Make your most important points upfront.

Tip 4: Don’t forget about your visuals! Readers are more attracted to pieces with visual elements. Plan out your images before publication.

You can follow us on social media at @HodgkissConsulting or @HodgkissMedia for even more writing tips and content marketing advice throughout the year!


Tips for writing a more effective newsletter article